Thursday, October 28, 2010

Social Media and Social Change, Are You Doing It?
I will begin my post by first talking about what I think social change really is. I believe social change involves a group of people who come together for a purpose or a goal and try to achieve that goal through social networks, protesting or just anything to get the attention of the people who can make the changes. For example when I was reading the article How to use social media for social change by Sarah Perez there was a site which had to do with HIV. The site was called which was a play on another website that alot of people use where you rate people on there looks (hot or not). Except on this site you had to guess whether or not the people in the pictures were HIV positive or not, which I believed carried a very powerfull message. That is just one example of how powerefull the social media can be when it comes to social change. Something so simple and so accessable to so many people can deliver a message and possibly even get people involved.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kanye West Film: Runaway

So I have just watched the 30 minute long musical/video by Kanye West and I can honestly say I have never seen a film like this before. There was an excellent video team that is for sure because there were many scenes that would just make you say "oh that's pretty cool". For example in the very beginning of the video it shows Mr. Kanye West driving through some sort of mystical forest that has a kind of road running through it and it just has a very peaceful feeling to it. Another thing that really worked in this film was how the music merged well with the images and scenes that were being shown. You will also notice a lot of interesting not in the norm type of characters, such as this bird type lady who has fallen from the sky, who is in most of the film. The main thing that stands out in this film though is how much of a change it is from traditional hip-hop culture and how it really shows you how hip-hop is expanding and evolving.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

TechCrunch Blog Review

Well Im doing this class assignment and i have to search for another blog and give it a rating from 1-3. I was told to look for a blog through the site which had alot of topics to browse through! but the section I went for was technology which is one of my interest and i found TechCrunch which is an interesting and well known blog. I thought it was well organized and had alot of interesting stuff that caught my attention and actually got me to read (which is very rare). So lets get down to business, if i were to rate this out of 3 i would give it a........3! perfect score, i highly recommend it.

Coke or Pepsi?!

Coke or Pepsi, the battle that has been going on for decades but is there really even a difference? In my opinion no there isnt, maybe my taste buds arn't strong enough but to me they taste the same. I am a pop drinker but i my drink of choice is Root Beer which if i remember correctly is made by Coke...So i guess that means I prefer Coke? None the less I try not to drink the stuff too often, pops just not good for you or your body. Right now actually im drinking this new Vitamin Water, helps me get through the day and it keeps me strong!

Toronto Mayoral Debate!

The mayoral debate in Toronto this year is alot more exciting then any i have seen. The person winning the race right now is a funny character (Rob Ford), from DUI's to racial comments, this guys got em all. Is this enough though to make me a 20 year old student vote? No probably not, and as far as i know my friends wont be eather. One thing i do expect from my mayor this time around is to deal with these pact roads and transit lines, its driving me crazy and I know others share the same feeling.